DNV Paving Paradise?! (Mtn.View Upland area)
Posted on December 19, 2013 at 1:10 PM |
December 18th: DNV Surveyor On Natural High Trail
"I noticed a DNV survey truck at the top of Natural High today. As I rode by the top of the trail I looked down to see someone using a surveyor about 30 meters in. He was surveying to the south east pointing directly towards Mountain View Park. It makes me nervous seeing this. Perhaps I'm being paranoid but I'm really hoping this is not a bad sign..."
"Maybe surveying options for the proposed parking lot?"
"My first thought also."
"I talked with a DNV survey crew about a month back when they were up at the drop off (right after the NSMBA delegation presented to DNV Council) and he confirmed then that they were doing their thing for potential parking plans."
Quote: "Well, if the NIMBYs would allow street parking further up the mountain and spread around more, it wouldn't be an issue. But instead they'd rather see a whole load of forest chopped down rather than have someone parked on their (really wide....) street. Go figure....."
"If mountain bikers would have been polite visitors the parking ban wouldn't have been implemented. We were our own worst enemies in that situation."
"has relocating the parking congestion to coleman alleviated this issue, though? as a wake up call to those ill-behaved individuals, perhaps. if public parking was limited further up the hill, rather than completely restricted, we might not have a need for (potential) development above the gate. granted, this is all very speculative."
Seems like the NSMBA is pushing for a parking lot up there lets destroy the forest and some trails so people don't have to walk 10 minutes: http://www.northshoreoutlook.com/news/232927831.html "
Seems like the NSMBA is pushing for a parking lot up there lets destroy the forest and some trails so people don't have to walk 10 minutes: http://www.northshoreoutlook.com/news/232927831.html "
Source, NSMB.com forum chat:

Mtn. Hwy/Grouse Service Road
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
With a heated change room,
And an All-Access Trail for mountain trikes
And put up a parking lot
With a heated change room,
And an All-Access Trail for mountain trikes
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got
Till it's gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
That you don't know what you've got
Till it's gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
(with apologies to Joni Mitchell, "Big Yellow Taxi")
For years, the mountain bikers joked(?) that they wanted DNV to pave over the "dirty swamp" in Mountain View Park, to park, and have easy access to their illegally-built trails and hijacked hiking trails... In 2014, the NSMBA's fondest wish may finally be granted by DNV...DNV has been threatening to do this for quite some time, in order to appease the squeaky wheels of the NSMBA. (Braemar or Mtn.View...??? It seems the "choice" has already been selected. It is the DNV way.) But, the NSMBA want so much more...
They want to take over our residential streets in Upper Lynn Valley, once again, also! They want to DNV to get rid of the hard fought for, "Residents' Parking Only" (RPO) Zone, here! When pigs fly, NSMBA!
Late last night
I heard the truck door slam
And a big bulldozer
Took a chunk out of the Park
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got
Till it's gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
I heard the truck door slam
And a big bulldozer
Took a chunk out of the Park
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got
Till it's gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot

"Parking Lot in the Forest", by Judy Lyon
2017 Update... The Fromme MTB Parking Lot has been built-- but one ain't enough for them, as the NSMBA and DNV want another one, too!
"Build it and they will continue to come.. like a plague of locusts..."
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