North Shore STRAVA Collective: "Solitary Combat"
Posted on December 14, 2013 at 2:50 PM |
You would think that I am introducing some kind of new computer action game. Not exactly, but close:
"The North Shore Strava Collective is a fun and free online all mountain race series."
This is what STRAVA GPS racing looks like..."solitary combat" on the natural environment:
Solitary Combat on Vimeo.
The NS STRAVA Collective posted a video on what was supposed to be a series of races on the newly built "Forever After" and High School Loop" trails...but were soon shut-up by the local mountain biking "community". The question is, will this Collective now be racing under the radar of the public land managers?
"L.L." on Facebook, posted:
"This can't possibly hurt Forever After when it starts raining again. oh well -- its a free world i guess"
More mountain biker dialogue ( both pro, and con) can be found about this STRAVA issue on our North Shore, here -- especially in regard to the public land managers "finding out":
Please read it for the mountain bikers' comments, below the mountain bikers' plea about this former post:
(What were they trying to hide?)
In California, STRAVA is to blame for...:
Smartphone app gets some blame for illegal trails, damage at Cowles Mountain
"SAN DIEGO - Rangers at one of San Diego's most treasured parks are sounding the alarm. A popular app may be behind the destruction of protected plants and animals and the creation of unauthorized trails... Using the phones GPS, the Strava app tracked her every move up Cowles Mountain and recorded how long it took...."
And this video is about mountain biking without any "STRAVA app" involved. Do you notice any difference? I don't. Mountain biking keeps on devolving into more destructive ways to rip and shred our forests' floor. Silence on the very consumptive extreme freeride mountain biking issues allows this kind of ecological vandalism to proliferate (slicing and dicing up the forest floor, four seasons a year, rain or shine, and snow, day and night...for a cheap thrill ride, at the expense of taxpayers and our forest health and wellbeing):
A Wet Day on Fromme Mtn.
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Wet weather riding, during the winter, on an illegal "secret trail", next to a closed trail...
"on fromme next to jerry rig, ... not on the map

(Your typical scofflaw mountain biker behaviour at its worst...)
Update 2017. The original video description (above) has since been "edited" to hide the evidence of illegal riding I would best guess.)
But, in the end, does any of this matter? Mountain bikers have been flying under the radar for years, and still get rewarded for their ongoing scofflaw antics (and right under our very noses.) Is STRAVA any different from any other kind of mountain biking that goes on inside our forests and natural parkland.
Are new trails being cut by mountain bikers, both sanctioned and unsanctioned, with or without STRAVA? Most likely, yes! So what is there for the mountain bikers to "fear" when too many people remain silent about their ongoing off-road wreckreation antics, while the public land managers and politicians keep rewarding these mountain biking scofflaws? All I can do is to record what is going on inside our forests and wetland parks, "out of sight, out of mind...<sigh>
Meanwhile, mountain bikers are just turning our forests into a playground for their own inclusive use. They are, in effect, commercializing it, and privatizing it. There is no consideration or care for the future health and wellbeing of our forests and wetlands. Just saying the obvious. Without other voices of concern, we are just aiding the mountain bikers/NSMBA with their slow motion clear cut of our precious natural places.
How long before the "asleep at the wheel collective" wakes up to this stark reality about any kind of off-road wreckreation inside our forests and wetlands?
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